Sunday, July 03, 2011

So Jemine decided a few days ago that she wanted to make a video for The Nerd Machine. For those that saw my other video with her, that was made in 3 days. I was really hoping to avoid doing that again. Well, when I got to see the video contest webpage and rules... the deadline is... July 3rd. She tweeted me Wednesday, came up with the idea Thursday, recorded the song Friday, shot scenes Friday and Saturday, spent all night editing, and now I'm uploading it... I showed it to Tito, and will upload it to my Facebook acct. Tito said, "Looks good man, even better than the first one." I'm sitting here thinking yeah, I'm getting good at these 2 day shoots... OMG GIVE ME MORE TIME TO DO THIS!!! Anyway, its not perfect by any means, theres a few shots that I really couldn't fix and is pisses me off. I need better camcorders, or lenses, but I don't think this model allows that. Someday, I'm gonna need to upgrade everything, PC's, cameras, lighting eq, etc. Someday. Anyhow, you can watch the video below, or download it from the link below as well.

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