So today I'm back at work recovering from a crazy weekend in Orlando, Florida. The past 3 days I was at Major League Gaming's final stop of the regular pro tour at the majestic Gaylord Palms Hotel and Convention Center. This place was crazy, the front of the hotel looks like something out of resort movie! I went to the one in Washington, and that hotel was also ginormous, but this one seemed even crazier. So walking in, you see the lobby, nothing overly spectacular, but then the receptionist hands you this fold out map in order to find your elevator and room. Why do you need a map you ask? So you don't get lost in the Biodome right behind the lobby. Plants, jungles, waterfalls, bridges, and a coffee shop.
But I wasn't flown out there to sight see, I was there to be a ref for Call of Duty: Black Ops. I haven't been at MLG for the past 2 events, so it took a little bit for me to get back into the settings and rules, some of which changed since the last time I worked. Also didn't take long to issue my first Technical foul. Seriously, kids, stop yelling when all you did was get lucky with a grenade. I don't thing there were any real surprises as most of the top seeds advanced without any real break through performances. Apex, a team from England, traveled overseas and made top 16, kudos to them. Halo surprisingly(or not for most) had been moved from the center stage for Starcraft 2. Given the popularity of the Korean players flying in as well the overall hype over the game, its no shock that it usurped the perennial favorite franchise.
Speaking of Starcraft 2, its insane how big the crowds have gotten. They were already the largest gallery at our first event, and now theres no question its totally engulfed the entire staging area. The top players are treated like rock stars, attracting groups of autograph and picture seekers no matter where they go. Now it begs the question, whats next for MLG? CoD is uncertain for next season. Halo has suddenly become a second fiddle. Will they bring back a fighting game? The National Championships loom next month in Rhode Island, then its the long off season as we wait to hear the new developments for 2012.