For those of you living in a non-gaming cave, the largest Fighting Game gathering in America is taking place this weekend in Las Vegas, Evo2k11. A large number of players from Houston will be going, sadly I won't be able to, not that I'm remotely competitive anymore, but it would have been a fun trip. Why am I not going to attend the biggest convention that holds my interests? I'm moving...
Rather still moving, I've been moving my crap from my old location to the new one for the past week now. Ugh, so tired of shuffling crap that I just want to throw it all away and buy new crap. I finally bought a new microwave, so now I can trash the old cube that couldn't pop popcorn. And my new fridge has an ice maker! For some reason that is the most exciting thing about my new place to me! Sad I know.
Kamikazecon was this past weekend in Houston. In the Galleria Marriott. Basically, across the street from me. Did any of you go? Yeah, me neither. I pretty much forgot it was happening until a friend from out of town popped up all of a sudden and we were like, "What in the world are you doing here?" When he replied that he was here for KKC, I was pretty shocked. Not that I forgot about the con, but because our friend actually traveled out of state for it.
In addition to losing out on seeing UMvC3(not to be confused with UMK3) and SFxT demos, I'll also be missing MLG Anaheim. Ugh, I haven't been to California in.... geez, 5 or 6 years. Sigh, hopefully I'll be finally done settling in with my new place and work, then I can go travel a little bit. Looking at MLG Orlando in August, A-Fest in Sept, and the rest of the MLG season.... Rhode Island! Another state I get to check off my list!
Last night I finally got to watch the last Harry Potter movie. I have to admit that I was not really a big fan of the movie series until later, but the final movie was definitely a must see. Definitely more than Tekken Blood Vengence... I can't really say it was unexpected. Video game movies are kind of expected to flop, so this limited release showing definitely limits it to their target audience. At Edwards MarqE, the showing was literally packed with gamers from Planet Zero, and old school Tekken players. While it did have some nice fighting visuals, and the main characters were modeled well(they had a Xiaoyu shower scene!), it made all the background characters and details look very bad. A friend of mine put it best, this looks like a 2nd rate Final Fantasy movie. The plot was kind of round a bout, much like how the Street Fighter Alpha animated movie was, centering around a movie only character. But the real head scratcher was the main focus being Ling Xiaoyu and Alisa. Unless you're big fans of those 2, you will probably be disappointed since 75% of the cast is not even mentioned in this feature(Lei Wulong barely made it in with on a text message...) Maybe they'll add some extra stuff when its released on Blu-Ray with TTT HD.
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