Friday, October 04, 2002

Music: Delerium(feat. Sarah McLachlan) - Silence

Once again, a speedy entry. Hmm.... not a whole lot going on. Actually I guess a lot of stuff has been happening. Friends in the "DDR" click having lots of drama happening. I'm not really involved so it's much ado about nothing with me. Hitlah is still MIA, although Mr. Big Time Cali player John Choi will be coming down to play in our little tournament. Should be exciting and fun. I think this tournament will be one of the best ones we've thrown at Stargate. Pity it's probably going to be my last. Tired of work, tired of being by myself for so long. It's extremely draining, and getting entirely too hard to bare on my own for much longer. And on top of that, I'm about to give up one of my only true escapes from that pain.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Music: Dumonde - Never Look Back

Gettin over that girl, having stuff happening with other girls. Dunno what'll happen, but.... at least it's the beginning of something new. Games are still the same. Work is still work. Possibly one of the big time Cali players is coming for my tourney in October, that should be interesting. Hitlah goin though some girl troubles..... bout time he started having some =) Everybody's kinda blah right now, sucks, but it happens. Kinda wait n see right now.


Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Music: DJ Taucher - Mutterkorn

Ok, been a while. Not much happening, still that girl tortures me, but not as badly. Seein some other girls, talking, blah, whatever. Not too much at all. Work, more work, get paid nothing as usual. Been running tournies, that's starting to get boring. Not sure how much longer I wanna keep doing them.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Music: DJ Tom Stevens - Emotions

New stuff yay! I'm bored again..... I should write this crap when my brain is working. Some weird crap goin on today. Drama drama drama, none of it mine, so gotta go find it on their pages =D Woke up late as usual, ate food, played games, ate more food, stayed in my friend's dorm room to hang out for a bit. Today was VERRRY boring. Hung out with Walter, Naomi, Vinnyman, and AzN HiTLaH(aka David Hem) Anyways stupid crap, lots of crazy sex inuendo jokes involving food. Did I mention today was boring? Bleh.

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Music: Prodigy - Breathe

Sunday's are soooooooooooo boring...... ugh...... lemme see....... Friday night went out clubbing again to a club I said I would never go back but did. Yes, went with people(earlier mentioned girl was there) Dancing sucked, music sucked, hurt my ankle. Ugh, Saturday went to Stargate, played in a lot of games I hardly play anymore. That's about it.

Combo of the day: Megaman w/Tron(projectile assist) short, short, stand roundhouse, call assist, super jump throw, launch, super jump jab, short, Hyper Megaman. Enjoy ^_^

Friday, September 06, 2002

Rum mixes well with EvErYtHiNg! Sake mixes well wit nUtTiN! NuFf sAid!
Another thing, why are these profile things gay, I don't want the whole world to know my damn name, the people that care already know, fo sho. That's good nuff fo me. Somebody find me a girl please, I too pathetic to actually go talk to a girl so I need lots of help cause I'm like mentally retarded when it comes to that. I dunno, I should goto Japan.
Oh yeah, making up nonsense as I go. Selling porn on eBay, drinkin whatevers in my glass, ish pretty good, lemme tell ya. Worryin bout life..... not really..... more like about to bitch about crap. Fallin for a girl you had no business fallin for in the first place sucks. Not being able to pull yourself away from it is pathetic. So like tonite, I'll have money to spend, but where do I go..... On one hand I could go party with some friends and said girl, then feel miserable about my lack of a lovelife, or I can go hang at Stargate where I'll feel miserable about my life in general. YAY!!!!!! THE FUN NEVER STOPS!!!!!!!!
What in the hell time is this thing on? I swear it's on crack or something!
Ok, first time on this thing and it screws up, yay.